Inspirational Quotes

Motivating quotes from prominent figures and schools of thought

Analyzing your current situation as well as how you feel about it, the Lexri Inspirational Quotes tool gives a carefully selected and considered list of relevant quotes from prominent figures. From the wide annals of human knowledge and thought, the app provides inspiration tailored to you.

"When I lost my job, I used the Lexri app to provide inspiration and motivation through a rough time. It helped me out, and I can't recommend it enough, to be honest."
Generate quotes, then use ChatGPT - directly from your Lexri app - to delve deeper into your thoughts and feelings, and those of prominent historical and contemporary individuals:
  • Person Profiles for quote authors, so you can learn more about them and their lives/struggles.
  • Generate more quotes similar to the one(s) that speak to you the most.
  • Get original motivational quotes based on your current issue or situation, AI-generated.