English words and phrases to help with reading and conversation for personal or professional topics
Get specific words and phrases in English to help you communicate about a particular topic, whether it's food and drinks, the weather, or a trip to the vet with your pet! While taking into account your current skill level, relevant scenarios, and real-world communication, the English Teacher Lexri tool helps you learn the language in a way you can actually use.
"My son is moving to Manchester to study medicine, so I've been practicing with him on the Lexri app for the last couple of weeks. He loves the relevant phrases and deeper linguistic explanations offered by the English Teacher tool."
Generate and practice relevant words and phrases, and learn the accurate translations provided. You can also click through to ChatGPT directly from the app with Lexri auto created prompts for even more powerful features:
Ask for slang or colloquial variations of words and phrases given by the AI.
Adjust the complexity and angle of definitions or explanations.
Explore related words and phrases in English.
Take an English language quiz—general or topic-specific—geared towards measuring your progress.